Water glassing eggs is an easy and affordable way to preserve eggs for long term storage. This tried-and-true method of preserving eggs has been used since the 1800's. In the winter a chicken's egg production significantly decreases so learning how to preserve eggs with water glassing is a great way to ensure you'll have an abundance of eggs all year round.

What is Water Glassing?
Water glassing is the process of preserving eggs in a hydrated lime solution. This is a very old method of preserving eggs for long term storage.
What is Hydrated Lime? — And Where to Buy it
It can also be called pickling lime or calcium hydroxide. It is limestone and sometimes combined with other organic materials that have been heated in a kiln and then hydrated with water.
You can buy it in a one pound, three pound or six-pound quantity on Amazon. Or if you’re looking to buy in bulk, check your local farm or hardware store.
Can Any Eggs be Used?
No, only fresh unwashed eggs can be used.
How Long Will the Eggs Last?
Some people claim this method keeps eggs preserved for 18 months, but I choose not to keep them for more than a year.
How Do You Store the Preserved Eggs?
Store the container of eggs on a shelf away from direct sunlight.
Should You Wash the Eggs First?
Nope! In fact, washing them takes away the protective coating on the egg which will prevent them from preserving well. Only use clean eggs out of the nesting box. Save the poop and mud-covered eggs for today's eatin’.
Why Would You Want to Preserve Eggs?
Like I mentioned above, during the winter months chickens naturally lay less eggs, sometimes none at all. In the summer they will lay many eggs, often more than you know what to do with. Preserving eggs while you have an abundance is a great way to prevent you from having to buy store bought eggs in the winter.
If you don’t have chickens, buy eggs to preserve from a local farmer―just make sure they are unwashed.
How to Preserve Eggs with Water Glassing

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